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Array Global Educational Services Inc. is a United States registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The directors of Array Global have over 100 years of experience in education and over 50 years of those working with all types of institutions throughout the world. Further, the directors have worked with various accreditation bodies, consulted with schools throughout the world and have provided professional development.


We are excited to share with you and your teachers, students, and parents our collective experience and knowledge. We strongly believe that our mission statement defines who we are and what we do:


“Partnering with institutions in their improvement efforts to ensure students are prepared for a global society.”
We are here to help.

Our focus and goal is to help all institutions improve and we believe that when institutions improve, communities improve, and when communities improve our world improves. We are focused on ensuring all students have a quality education so they can in turn improve the world.




A Culture of Continuous Improvement

At Array Global we believe accreditation is not an event, but rather a process. Our focus and goal is to help all institutions improve and we believe that when institutions improve, communities improve, and when communities improve our world improves.


Our Philosophy:



We work with institutions and institutional leaders as partners. We believe that we all desire the same thing--the best schools possible.  We want to partner with all institutions and institutional leaders as colleagues.



We work with many categories of schools--K-12, primary, middle, high, international, national, distance-based, and non-degree granting post-secondary vocational/career programs that want to improve their institutions.  We work with and accredit institutions in several countries including the United States.



We strongly believe that real school improvement is best demonstrated by whether or not the students are learning and growing, in both academic and character development.



We believe that we should expand the definition of "students" to go beyond the ones who sit in our classrooms and include ourselves, as we all must be constantly learning. We are all students--we learn from each other. It is only when we realize that learning never stops for any of us that we can truly inspire the students in classrooms to treasure the value of learning.



Our world has recently been made tragically aware that we really do need to understand each other and work together to make a better world. Opening our eyes and the eyes of our students about the world in which we live--with its tragedies, successes, and various cultural norms, will help us all become more open and accepting of everyone.


Array Global Board

Array Global Board of Directors:


Dr. Ray Lindley
Executive Director &
Member of Founding Board
Dr. Ray Lindley

Dr. Ray Lindley has been a professional educator for many years. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Language and Literature, Master of Science in Educational Administration and Doctor of Education degree in Counseling Psychology. He has been a director for the Department of Education in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction where he helped regulate schools in the U.S. Dr. Lindley has been an administrator for accrediting international schools for over 20 years. 

He recently was named by his university as educator of the year and then alumnus of the year. Dr. Lindley has been president of the National Association of State Textbook Administrators and president of the National Association of State Administrators & Supervisors of Private Schools. In addition, he has provided expert witness reports on educational issues for legal firms.




aSSOCIATE Executive Director &
Member of Founding Board
Dr. Jacob Francom

Dr. Jacob Francom has worked with schools in the U.S. and abroad for many years. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Physics, Master of Arts in Russian Language, Literature, and Linguistics, Master of Education in Educational Leadership, and Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership.

He has been a principal of both private and public schools, a superintendent of a school district, and a professor. He has worked with different accreditation bodies and enjoys working with international schools around the globe. Dr. Francom has been named principal of the year and recognized as educational leader of the year by his university.



Member of Founding Board
Dr. Salam Noor

Dr. Salam Noor has been a professional educator for many years at the local, state, and national level. His most recent experience includes serving as Chief State Schools Officer for Oregon, Director of University Policy and Planning for the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Chief Academic Officer/Deputy Superintendent for Salem-Keizer Schools, and Assistant State Superintendent for the Oregon Department of Education. Dr. Noor has taught education policy and political science at several universities, including Portland State University, Western

Oregon University, Brigham Young University, and the University of Utah. A Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Noor earned a doctorate from the University of Utah; master's and bachelor's degrees from Eastern Washington University; and a certificate of Executive Leadership from Harvard University. Currently Dr. Noor is President and CEO of Education Consultants International, LLC, and focuses on executive leadership coaching and school improvement and innovation strategies for K-12 systems, colleges, and universities.



Array Associates

Array Global  Associates:


Dr. Mike Poe
associate director
Dr. Mike Poe

Dr. E. Michael (Mike) Poe has been an educator for the past 45 years at K-12, university and international levels. He is currently Professor Emeritus at Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) in the Graduate Education Department for the area of Educational Leadership and is currently involved with consulting with educational institutions. At the K-12 level he served as a teacher and administrator for 18 years. He was selected as the Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year for Idaho in 1993 and was recently named the L.E. Wesche Outstanding Educator for 2022. His 25 years of service to NNU included staff and faculty positions including Education Department Chair, Graduate Education Department Chair, Educational Leadership Program Director, and various elected faculty officer positions. 

He also developed several Education Specialist degrees in Educational Leadership and developed the initial Doctor of Education program for NNU. Dr. Poe’s international work includes presentations and consulting in Colombia, China, and Saudi Arabia. He has also worked with graduate students in Ukraine, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Algeria, South Korea and The Bahamas as well as across the United States. Dr. Poe earned his doctorate and education specialist degrees from the University of Idaho, master’s degree from the College of Idaho and his bachelor's degree from Northwest Nazarene University. His current work with school accreditation goes back 35 years and includes K-12 regional and international accreditations and university accreditations.


Organizational Documents


Our Organizational Documents:


Array Global Educational Services Inc. is a United States registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and follows specific organizational bylaws, policies, and procedures. These documents are linked here for your information.

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